Lloyd Robert Borrett

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Oakton People Web Site

During the second half of 2000, I was involved in establishing the Oakton People IT recruitment and contracting division of Oakton Ltd. As part of the process I designed and built a web site for Oakton People.

Design Philosophy

The idea was to replicate the Oakton web site design, but use the Oakton People branding and colour scheme. Then use an up-to-date version of the content ideas I'd developed while building the Expert People web site.

The Tools

The following software tools were used to build the Oakton People web site:

  • Microsoft FrontPage 2000
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer v5.01
  • Microsoft Windows 2000
  • Adobe PhotoShop for Windows v5.5
  • Adobe ImageReady v2
  • WS_FTP for Windows

The site was hosted by WebCentral on a Microsoft Internet platform using Windows NT Server and Internet Information Server with FrontPage Extensions.

Site Construction

I simply built a set of key graphic elements using Adobe PhotoShop 5.5. Then it was time to fire up Microsoft FrontPage 2000, create the basic page structure, add-in some some JavaScript, add in a few ideas of my own, and adapt the Oakton web site cascading style sheet.

The Results

The new Oakton People web site went live in December 2000. The site went offline in mid 2004 when the division was closed.

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Last modified: Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Oakton Web Site
Oakton People Web Site
December 2000

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