Lloyd Robert Borrett

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Computing Platforms

I've been extremely fortunate to be able to combine my career with my main hobby and interest — computing and information technology. Having been a hands-on user, programmer, systems programmer and/or administrator of various computer systems since 1975, I've had exposure to, indeed become intimately knowledgeable about, many different computer platforms over the years. So here is an insight in to my use of some of them:

Even today I tend to find myself using computers in so many different ways to do so many things. Friends and work colleagues are often amazed at the wide range of software products I have loaded on my various systems and actually use extensively.

Of course, the majority of what I use computers for is totally work related. However, away from work I find my interests today also lead me towards web design, flying and racing simulations, plus the occasional computer game.

Last modified: Monday, 01 April 2013


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