Lloyd Robert Borrett

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Fraternity of
Petals Around the Rose

Know all Mortals by These Presents That those on this Register have successfully Qualified to be Instructors in the Fraternity of Petals Around the Rose.

Each Member is pledged to be a cruel and heartless wretch who will never divulge the secrets of membership even under threat of the Rack and has taken an oath to comfort the miserable, ill, unfortunate and anguished members of the STUPE CLUB. Impossible as it may seem, each member has vowed to convert all STUPES to the grand and glorious P.A.T.R.

Potentate of the Rose

Please feel free to browse through the following membership register. If you have truly become a Potentate of the Rose and qualified to join the Fraternity of Petals Around the Rose by solving this challenge, please make sure you sign the register yourself.

Read what happened when Bill Gates was introduced to Petals Around the Rose in June 1977. How he tackled this brain teaser is an interesting insight into the man at the helm of Microsoft.

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The Scuba Doctor Dive Shop

Last modified: Saturday, 24 May 2014

Petals Around the Rose



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