Nitrox Calculator
Warning: This Nitrox calculator is for aiding in the
calculation of decompression obligations when diving using Nitrox.
It is not suitable for calculating narcotic effects and decompression
requirements when using Trimix or Heliox.
Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the
calculations and data below. Always verify against other sources.
This calculator can be used to find the Actual ppO2, MOD, "Best Mix" (FO2) and EAD
for dives with the planned maximum partial pressure of oxygen (ppO2)
when beathing Enriched Air Nitrox gas with a specified fraction of oxygen (FO2%)
at the planned maximum diving depth in metres.
Just enter values for "Maximum Partial Pressure Oxygen (ppO2)",
"Fraction of Oxygen (FO2)"
and "Maximum Depth" and click on the "Submit" button.
Diving with a planned Maximum Partial Pressure Oxygen (ppO2) of 1.4 bar
breathing a Nitrox gas mixture with a Fraction of Oxygen (FO2) of .32 - 32% or EAN32 -
at a planned Maximum Depth of 33 metres (108 feet)
results in the following values:
Actual partial pressure of oxygen (ppO2) rounding up is:
1.38 bar
Maximum Operating Depth (MOD) rounding shallower is:
33.7 metres (111 feet)
Nitrox Best Mix rounding down is:
0.32 FO2 - 32% or EAN32
Equivalent Air Depth (EAD) rounding deeper is:
27.1 metres (89 feet)
This calculator provides information about gas use in scuba diving.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES is there any implication
that any gas mixture is safe or even life supporting at any depth.
If you have not recived training in technical scuba diving,
Nitrox, Trimix or Heliox you should not attempt
to use any of these results. Improper use of gasses in diving
can result in injury or DEATH.
Last modified:
Friday, 18 February 2011